FD NeuroTechnologies, Inc. 是一(yī)家專注于中樞神經系統形态學研究的領導型生(shēng)物(wù)技(jì)術(shù)公司之一(yī)。自(zì)1996年(nián)成立以來,提供的産品和服務為(wèi)國(guó)内外聯邦實驗室、科研院所、制藥公司和生(shēng)物(wù)技(jì)術(shù)公司所認可和使用。作為(wèi)神經組織學、神經組織病理學及免疫組織化學領域的專家,FD NeuroTechnologies, Inc.提供的産品和服務在質量、效率、靈活性及低(dī)成本四個(gè)方面獲得科學界的一(yī)緻好評。
We firmly believe in the quality and effectiveness of our products and services, so much that we provide every customer with a 100% customer satisfaction guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with any of our products or services, we will refund 100% of your cost, with no questions asked.
1.Staining Kits & Accessories 染色試劑盒&配件(jiàn)
貨号 |
名稱 |
規格 |
PK101 |
FD Apop™ Kit (Tunel凋亡檢測試劑盒) |
For 50 sections |
FD NeuroApop™ Kit (Tunel凋亡檢測試劑盒-神經元) |
For 35 sections |
PK301 |
FD NeuroSilver™ Kit II (large) 退化神經元銀(yín)染試劑盒 |
For 300 sections |
PK301A |
FD NeuroSilver™ Kit II (small) 退化神經元銀(yín)染試劑盒 |
For 150 sections |
FD Rapid GolgiStain™ Kit (large) 快速高(gāo)爾基體染色試劑盒 |
For 50 mouse brains |
FD Rapid GolgiStain™ Kit (small) 快速高(gāo)爾基體染色試劑盒 |
For 25 mouse brains |
PK501 |
FD Rapid MultiStain™ Kit 中樞神經系統組織化學染色試劑盒 |
250 ml x 5 |
FD Rapid TimmStain™ Kit 快速金屬離子(鋅離子)染色試劑盒 |
For 300 sections |
PCS101 |
Control Sections for FD NeuroSilver™ Kit II |
1 section |
PCS102-01 |
Control Sections for FD NeuroApop™ Kit, Paraffin sections |
1 slide |
PCS102-02 |
Control Sections for FD NeuroApop™ Kit, Frozen sections |
1 slide |
2. Staining Solution 染色液
3. Tissue Preparation Solutions 組織制備液
貨号 |
名稱 |
規格 |
PC101 |
FD Section Storage Solution™ 切片保存液 |
250 ml |
PC102 |
FD Tissue Cryoprotection Solution™ 組織冰凍保護液 |
250 ml |
PC103 |
FD Tissue Storage Solution™ 組織保存液 |
250 ml |
PF102 |
EmbryoFix™ 胚胎組織固定液 |
20 ml |
4. Laboratory Supplies 實驗室耗材
5. Embryonic Sections 胚胎切片
貨号 |
名稱 |
規格 |
PE102-09 |
Mouse EmbryoSections, fixed/paraffin, 9 day 9日小(xiǎo)鼠胚胎切片 固定/石蠟 |
10 slides |
PE202-10 |
Rat EmbryoSections, fixed tissue embedded in paraffin, 10 day 大鼠胚胎切片 固定/石蠟 |
10 slides |
我公司代理FD NeuroTechnologies, Inc.所有産品和服務,原裝正品并承諾FD NeuroTechnologies, Inc.售後服務。部分暢銷品有現貨,歡迎來電(diàn)咨詢。電(diàn)話:021-54736159,18121428569。QQ:3308240863,2971634497。