FD NeuroTechnologies, Inc.;Golgi-Cox impregnation 浸染法;Neuronal apoptosis 神經元凋亡;Fluoro-Jade B;In situ DNA nick-end labeling (TUNEL) 原位缺口末端标記法;
FD NeuroTechnologies, Inc(USA)公司生(shēng)産的FD神經元凋亡檢測試劑盒(FD NeuroApop™ Kit)特别研發用于中樞神經系統組織切片中的神經元凋亡檢測,基于原位DNA缺口末端标記技(jì)術(shù)(TUNEL法)。該技(jì)術(shù)使用末端脫氧核糖核酸轉移酶(TdT)催化生(shēng)物(wù)素偶聯的脫氧尿嘧啶插入DNA片段自(zì)由的3’-OH末端,其被認為(wèi)是凋亡最典型特征之一(yī)。之後插入DNA的生(shēng)物(wù)素使用親和素-生(shēng)物(wù)素複合物(wù)(ABC)方法得以信号擴大,并在光(guāng)學顯微鏡下(xià)進行可視化鑒定。
FD神經元凋亡檢測試劑盒(FD NeuroApop™ Kit)提供的試劑和步驟都經過優化以能(néng)在特異性和靈敏度上(shàng)高(gāo)效檢測凋亡神經元,且維持極低(dī)背景。此試劑盒适用于冰凍和石蠟切片,以及培養細胞。本試劑盒整個(gè)操作流程約需4h。
PK201(For 35 sections) |
Storage |
1 |
Digestive Enzyme 消化酶 |
2 ml x 4 |
-20℃ |
2 |
Reaction Solution A 溶液A |
2 ml x 2 |
-20℃ |
3 |
Reaction Solution B 溶液B |
85 µl |
-20℃ |
4 |
Reaction Solution C 溶液C |
60 µl |
-20℃ |
5 |
Chromogen Solution 顯色液 |
20 ml |
-20℃ |
6 |
Equilibration Buffer 平衡緩沖液 |
20 ml |
+4℃ |
7 |
Detection Reagent 檢測試劑 |
5 ml |
+4℃ |
8 |
10x Phosphate-Buffered Saline 磷酸鹽 |
250 ml x 2 |
+4℃ |
圖1. Detection of apoptotic neurons with FD NeuroApop™ Kit. Paraffin section (10µm) cut from a dorsal ganglion of a mouse embryo (E17). The section was processed with FD NeuroApop™ kit and counterstained with methyl green. Sections courtesy of Drs. Michael Vogel and Lisa Qiu.
圖2. Detection of apoptotic neurons with FD NeuroApop™ Kit. Paraffin section (10µm) cut from the inferior colliculus of a mouse embryo (E17). The section was processed with FD NeuroApop™ kit and counterstained with methyl green. Sections courtesy of Drs. Michael Vogel and Lisa Qiu.
圖3. Detection of apoptotic neurons with FD NeuroApop™ Kit. 20 µm cryostat section was cut from the rat striatum of a stroke model. The section was processed for detecting neuronal apoptosis with FD NeuroApop™ Kit and then counterstained with FD methyl green.
貨号 |
名稱 |
規格 |
價格(元) |
PK201 |
FD NeuroApop™ Kit FD神經元凋亡檢測試劑盒 |
For 35 sections |
7176 |
PK101 |
FD Apop™ Kit Tunel凋亡檢測試劑盒 |
For 50 sections |
6118 |
PK201-FD NeuroApop™ Kit User Mannual
PK101-FD Apop™ Kit User Manual
[1] Gavrieli Y, Sherman Y, and Ben-Sasson SA. (1992) Identification of programmed cell death in situ via specific labeling of nuclear DNA fragmentation. J. Cell Biol. 119:493-501.
[2] Wyllie AH. (1980) Glucocorticoid-induced thymocyte apoptosis is associated with endogenous endonuclease activation. Nature. 284:555-6.
[3] Arends MJ, Morris RG, and Wyllie AH. (1990) Apoptosis: the role of the endonuclease. Amer. J. Pathol 136:593-608.
[4] Hsu SM, Raine L, and Fanger H. (1981) Use of avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) in immunoperoxidase techniques: a comparison between ABC and unlabeled antibody (PAP) procedures. J. Histochem. Cytochem. 29:577-80.
— —Written/Edited by V. Shallan【版權歸MKBio懋康所有】
上海夢澤生物科技有限公司是一(yī)家涉足于生(shēng)命科學和生(shēng)物(wù)技(jì)術(shù)領域研究的試劑、儀器(qì)和實驗室消耗品與實驗服務工(gōng)作,主要從(cóng)事(shì)細胞生(shēng)物(wù)學、植物(wù)學、分子生(shēng)物(wù)學、免疫學、生(shēng)物(wù)化學、蛋白(bái)組學。生(shēng)物(wù)制藥與診斷試劑研發生(shēng)産等領域。 本公司秉承“以人為(wèi)本,以誠為(wèi)信、合同守信”的經營理念。堅持"品質保障"的原則為(wèi)廣大客戶提供優質産品。