FD NeuroTechnologies, Inc.;Golgi-Cox impregnation 浸染法;Degenerating neurons 退化神經元;Fluoro-Jade B;Fluoro-Jade C;
FD NeuroTechnologies, Inc(USA)公司生(shēng)産的FD退化神經元銀(yín)染試劑盒(FD NeuroSilver™ Kit II)特别開(kāi)發用于實驗動物(wù)中樞神經系統(CNS)固定組織切片内的退化神經元檢測。該試劑盒檢測原理基于發現正衰退神經元上(shàng)的一(yī)些元件(jiàn)比如溶酶體、軸突和末梢出現特别的嗜銀(yín)性。在某些特定條件(jiàn)下(xià),這些細胞元件(jiàn)高(gāo)親和性結合銀(yín)離子。一(yī)旦還(hái)原後,銀(yín)離子形成光(guāng)學或電(diàn)子顯微鏡下(xià)可見(jiàn)的金屬顆粒。
FD退化神經元銀(yín)染試劑盒(FD NeuroSilver™ Kit II)廣泛用在各種實驗條件(jiàn)下(xià)的動物(wù)研究中。該試劑盒經證實高(gāo)度特異性檢測大腦(nǎo)和脊髓内衰退神經元胞體、軸突和末梢,且靈敏度非常高(gāo)。該試劑盒還(hái)适合用來檢測少量衰退神經元,特别是那些用傳統組織病理染色技(jì)術(shù)未檢測到(dào)的。
FD退化神經元銀(yín)染試劑盒(FD NeuroSilver™ Kit II)還(hái)被證實能(néng)檢測轉基因小(xiǎo)鼠大腦(nǎo)的澱粉樣斑塊(amyloid plaques),結果非常靈敏且可靠。還(hái)可用于免疫組化組織切片的神經衰退和/或澱粉樣斑塊檢測。本試劑盒整個(gè)操作流程約需1h。
PK301A(Small) |
PK301A(large) |
1 |
Solution A 溶液A |
250 ml |
500 ml |
2 |
Solution B 溶液B |
250 ml |
500 ml |
3 |
Solution C 溶液C |
250 ml x 2 |
500 ml l x 2 |
4 |
Solution D 溶液D |
250 ml |
500 ml |
5 |
Solution E 溶液E |
1 ml |
2 ml |
6 |
Solution F 溶液F |
2 ml |
3 ml |
7 |
Solution G (5X) 溶液G (5X) |
250 ml |
500 ml |
8 |
Glass Specimen Retriever |
2 |
2 |
9 |
Natural hair paintbrush |
1 |
1 |
10 |
User Manual 使用手冊 |
1 |
1 |
圖1. 大鼠中風模型大腦(nǎo)神經衰退的檢測 Detection of neurodegeneration in the rat brain of a stroke model. 40 µm cryostat section was cut coronally through the striatum of a rat used as an animal model of stroke. The section was processed for demonstrating neuronal damage with FD NeuroSilver™ Kit. Note the accumulation of metallic silver grains (black) in both the striatum and the cortex, indicating the presence of neurodegeneration.
圖2. 小(xiǎo)鼠阿爾茨海默病模型大腦(nǎo)衰退性神經元和澱粉樣斑塊的檢測Detection of neurodegeneration and amyloid plaques in the mouse brain of a model for Alzeimer’s disease. 40 µm cryostat section was cut coronally through the dorsal hippocampus of a transgenic mouse used as a model for studing Alzeimer’s disease. The section was processed for detecting both neuronal damage and amyloid plaques with FD NeuroSilver™ Kit. Note silver-stained plaques in both the hippocampus and the cortex.
圖3. 大鼠亨廷頓疾病模型大腦(nǎo)衰退性神經元的檢測 Detection of neurodegeneration in the rat brain of a model for Huntington’s disease. 40 µm cryostat section was cut coronally through the striatum of a rat that received a focal injection of quinolinic acid. The section was processed first for bcl2-immunoreactivity and then for detecting neuronal damage with FD NeuroSilver™ Kit. Note that degenerating neurons (black) intermingle with survived bcl2-positive neurons.
貨号 |
名稱 |
規格 |
價格(元) |
PK301 |
FD NeuroSilver™ Kit II (large) 退化神經元銀(yín)染試劑盒 |
For 300 sections |
7194 |
PK301A |
FD NeuroSilver™ Kit II (small) 退化神經元銀(yín)染試劑盒 |
For 150 sections |
5457 |
PK301 FD NeuroSilver™ Kit User Mannual
— —Written/Edited by V. Shallan【版權歸MKBio懋康所有】
上海夢澤生物科技有限公司是一(yī)家涉足于生(shēng)命科學和生(shēng)物(wù)技(jì)術(shù)領域研究的試劑、儀器(qì)和實驗室消耗品與實驗服務工(gōng)作,主要從(cóng)事(shì)細胞生(shēng)物(wù)學、植物(wù)學、分子生(shēng)物(wù)學、免疫學、生(shēng)物(wù)化學、蛋白(bái)組學。生(shēng)物(wù)制藥與診斷試劑研發生(shēng)産等領域。 本公司秉承“以人為(wèi)本,以誠為(wèi)信、合同守信”的經營理念。堅持"品質保障"的原則為(wèi)廣大客戶提供優質産品。